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As the Mother of all Healing, the Green Tara shelters All beings in Her Loving embrace and is the Spiritual Bestower of all Health, Upliftment and Well-Being.

The loving embrace of the Goddess Tara radiates outwardly as Kindness, Compassion and Healing for All from worldly or spiritual concerns.

May the powerful blessings of Peace, Health, Wealth and Love be Yours.

May the prayers of all Bodhisattvas and the blessings of all Spiritual Beings enter your heart and hold in their hands all your precious needs.  May all your needs be exactly what you intend and may your intentions move in you, from you and return to you with the strength and the power of Living your Life as Divinity Now!  So be it!

" May the wicked become good,
May the good obtain peace,
May the peaceful be freed from bonds,
May the free set others free."
- Prayer of a Bodhisattva                

 Prayer requested by:  ChristySubmitted:  4.4.24 | 6:25 AM 
Om Tara Tare Tam SvahaPnum: 116803
Beloved Gurudev, Father Mother God, Cherished Swami, I bow to you and pray for healing. For all names here and all names whispered. Our sisters & brothers, loved ones who need your precious touch. May our voices of love and healing bring miracles, love and light. May that healing spread out to touch all living beings. In peace as peace in peace now. Our hearts as One with You in peace for all living beings. Forgiveness and peace. Thank you thank you. So be it.

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